All files / components/Users UsersTable.js

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import OurTable, { ButtonColumn } from "main/components/OurTable"
import { useBackendMutation } from "main/utils/useBackend";
export default function UsersTable({ users}) {
    function cellToAxiosParamsToggleAdmin(cell) {
        return {
            url: "/api/admin/users/toggleAdmin",
            method: "POST",
            params: {
    // Stryker disable all : hard to test for query caching
    const toggleAdminMutation = useBackendMutation(
    // Stryker enable all 
    // Stryker disable next-line all : TODO try to make a good test for this
    const toggleAdminCallback = async (cell) => { toggleAdminMutation.mutate(cell); }
    function cellToAxiosParamsToggleDriver(cell) {
        return {
            url: "/api/admin/users/toggleDriver",
            method: "POST",
            params: {
    // Stryker disable all : hard to test for query caching
    const toggleDriverMutation = useBackendMutation(
    // Stryker enable all 
    // Stryker disable next-line all : TODO try to make a good test for this
    const toggleDriverCallback = async (cell) => { toggleDriverMutation.mutate(cell); }
    const columns = [
            Header: 'id',
            accessor: 'id', // accessor is the "key" in the data
            Header: 'First Name',
            accessor: 'givenName',
            Header: 'Last Name',
            accessor: 'familyName',
            Header: 'Email',
            accessor: 'email',
            Header: 'Admin',
            id: 'admin',
            accessor: (row, _rowIndex) => String(row.admin) // hack needed for boolean values to show up
            Header: 'Driver',
            id: 'driver',
            accessor: (row, _rowIndex) => String(row.driver) // hack needed for boolean values to show up
    const buttonColumn = [
        ButtonColumn("toggle-admin", "primary", toggleAdminCallback, "UsersTable"),
        ButtonColumn("toggle-driver", "primary", toggleDriverCallback, "UsersTable"),
    //const columnsToDisplay = showButtons ? buttonColumn : columns;
    return <OurTable